HopNodNow's Website

Welcome to my blog!

Stardate: July 16th 2024 1:54 AM

Hi there! This is my first blog post xD. So yesterday i created this website,just for fun. I hope i won't forget about this site :). Anyways today is July 15th 2024... I MEAN 16TH...ah i need to change my timezone on my laptop. A few minutes ago i added some friends on Spacehey. And...woah! 5 peoples message me :O. So tomorrow i guess i'll try to update my place on roblox called "Hangout place",i mean it's on early prototype stage and idk what to add here.I guess i'll add a hard obby,and a small building zone,and then pvp arena with swords,and after...uh...idk...i mean theres a 4th empty place and idk what to add here. I can put minigames here,but it will be hard. Hmm idk tbh :-/. Oh i can add booths later outside the main zone,booths like in "PLS Donate" and "Rate my avatar!". Also i wanted to do a Telegram bot,like "Yggdrasil" bot on discord,but it will be hard,well i'll try i guess. But before i need to finish a megacut video of Fros Studio's egg hunt 2024,cause this is probably the best event in tft :D.Tbh idk when it will be finished,maybe this month,maybe next month,idk. Also i'm thinking to do a NCS level for contest in Geometry Dash. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah i also installed "osu!" today,after almost 5 years of inactivity :P. Anyways,have a nice day or good night to person,who reads this message (idk if someone will read it xD,probably only me in the future). So you can contact me,if you want,check the main page or "index.html". Alright cya next time ;)

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